You are currently browsing the tag archive for the ‘Brother Bear’ tag.

How many hours of TV do you watch per week? Do you feel that’s too much, not enough or just right?  Yikes, I can’t even count the number of hours!  I often have the TV on just for background noise, so the number of hours it’s on would give me a stroke if I calculated them.  What I actually sit down and focus on watching, that’s a slightly less astonishing number.  But it’s way too much.  (Didja notice how I didn’t actually answer the question?  I’m training to be a politician, ha ha!)

Which of the 5 senses do you feel is your strongest sense?  My sense of smell.  And the fact that a lot of smells trigger migraines for me makes it a particular joy to have.

What’s the wackiest belief you held as a child?  My brother told me that there was a tunnel between North America and Australia, which is how kangaroos and koalas were able to come to be in our zoos.  I believed in this tunnel for the longest time!  And yes, I am as gullible as they come.  He is also an extremely good storyteller.

Check out Fleur de Lisa’s Manic Monday hub!

Here in Canada, this coming weekend is our Thanksgiving weekend.  So, instead of doing a TT about pet peeves, I decided to do one about things I am thankful for.  I can always bitch about my pet peeves next week.  🙂

1.  I am thankful for my parents, who are strong, wise, generous, and who love me so very much.

2.  I am thankful for my best buddy, Dannan, the little brown dog.  He makes it possible for me to get up every morning and smile.

3.  I am thankful for my sisters and brother (Sis1, Sis2, and Brother Bear).  They are possibly the best siblings in the world;  certainly better than I deserve sometimes!

4.  I am thankful for my best friend, Roomie.  She is a strong support, and has been instrumental in my recovery.

5.  I am thankful that I had my breakdown, because I am much better off than I would have been if it hadn’t happened.

6.  I am thankful for my counsellor, DD, who is exactly what I want and need in a therapist.

7.  I am thankful I live in Canada (sorry, non-Canadians), because I am Canadian.  (If you happen to be Canadian, I think you know what that means!)

8.  I am thankful that I have a warm, secure place to live and food to eat when I’m hungry.

9.  I am thankful for all of the wonderful people who work on behalf of animals and children, who need others to be their advocates.

10.  I am thankful that my mother instilled in me a love of reading.

11.  I am thankful that I started my blogs.  I have met wonderful people, laughed A LOT, seen some absolutely amazing photographs, and managed to write fairly consistently.

12.  I am thankful for memes like Thursday Thirteen, because they lead me to new blogs that I might never have otherwise discovered.

13.  Finally, I am thankful that I have so many wonderful friends, who make me laugh, let me know I’m loved, and keep having faith in me.  And are there to be my support when I would just fall over without them.

For more Thursday Thirteens, check out Beth’s super site!

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